Easy, Healthy Sugar Peach Pie Baked (or Air-Fried) Eggrolls

Back-to-school has been a blur, and Labor Day is just around the corner, signifying the unofficial end of summer. But symbolism doesn’t dictate what’s in season!  We’ve still got time to linger in sweet, juicy, sunshiny bright, softly blushing PEACHES, so why the heck wouldn’t we?

This summer I read in Veg News that the wood from peach trees was used by shamans (called Wu) in ancient China to ward off evil spirits. These Wu would carry peach rods as protection for rulers against evil influences. This tidbit isn’t exactly useful, but it’s sticking with me, and the more I think about it, the more logical it seems.

I’m thinking of a line in Elf, from a publishing house scene, where the question is asked, “What’s more vulnerable than a peach?”. Obviously, the word vulnerability doesn’t exactly align with protection from evil spirits, nor does a reference to a Christmas movie support my plea for hanging onto summer even as we begin to embrace autumn through peaches. But at the same time, truly, what better single offering to throw potential forces of evil off guard than the fruit-embodiment of a glowing smile, the peach?

These easy peach eggrolls don’t need added sugar, oil, or really much of anything but peaches and eggrolls (I like Nasoya plant-based wraps) to be delectable! I call them peach pie, but fresh from the oven the eggrolls offer more of a strudel texture that is super cozy and tasty. This is one of those recipes that is great to make with kids, too. It’s so easy to adapt–Felix and I filled some of the extra wrappers with fresh blueberries and a touch of fruit-only jam, and they were lovely and scrumptious.

I like to make a simple compote ahead of time, warming and lightly mashing just a bit, then stirring in a tablespoon of whole husk psyllium for added fiber and digestive benefits. You could honestly, however, easily just chop up fresh peaches and call it google to go. If you go the compote route, though, consider making a big batch and enjoying it over oatmeal, yogurt, as a toast topper, and more.

While I think these are superb just as they are, it could be worth sprinkling some powdered sugar on top–I did for the ones pictured here, mostly for the sake of picture prettiness. And if you’re in a dessert mood, a dollop of ice cream alongside is a dream. Have a peachy day! xo

Make the most of peach season!

Easy Healthy Peach Pie Baked Eggrolls

Easy Healthy Peach Pie Baked Eggrolls

Yield: 12
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 25 MinInactive time: 1 HourTotal time: 1 H & 40 M
These easy peach eggrolls don’t need added sugar, oil, or really much of anything but peaches and eggroll wraps to be delectable! Fresh from the oven, they deliver a strudel-like texture and bountiful flavor that is both cozy and brimming with sunshine.


  • 4 large ripe peaches, peeled if desired and chopped (I don’t bother peeling)
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice (for added sweetness, swap in apple juice instead)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Pinch nutmeg
  • 1 Tablespoon whole husk psyllium
  • 12 vegan eggroll wrappers (I like Nasoya)


  1. Heat a medium sized skillet or saucepan over medium heat. Add all ingredients to the pan.
  2. Cook just a few minutes until the mixture is beginning to bubble, just enough time for the peaches to soften somewhat. Mash very lightly with a potato masher, leaving most of the pieces fairly intact.
  3. Stir in psyllium, cover, and let sit, an hour or so or overnight.
  4. Preheat the oven to 375 F while preparing the rolls: Spoon 2-3 tablespoons of filling in each wrapper and roll tightly. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, seam side down. Bake for 20 minutes, turning halfway.*
  5. Let cool a few minutes before serving.


While no-added is a plus, these are extra irresistible with a sprinkling of cinnamon sugar, powdered sugar, or a dollop of vanilla ice cream!