A superb opportunity to make the most of stale bread, these easy-to-make, golden croutons deliver warm flavor plus the wellness-enhancing benefits of turmeric.
This brightly inviting BBQ cauliflower salad can be both salad and grilled dish at once, or at least something reminiscent of the two. An easy, date-based homemade BBQ sauce is perfect for smothering over baked, grilled, or roasted cauliflower tofu, and anything else you have a hankering for BBQ’d, without all the usual sugar and preservatives.
Your pooch while love these easy, wholesome pupcakes made from clean simple staples. You can even join in on the tasting (potato frosting not recommended for people)!
This simple recipe harnesses the beautiful benefits of Neem, used extensively in Eastern traditions to support immunity, bacterial balance, oral health, and inflammatory responses, but best known for its nourishing properties for healthy nails and skin. Not only is making these fragrant bath fizzies easy, it’s fun and maybe even therapeutic, too.
Sweetness with a touch of tang and warm, spicy notes, this cozy concoction offers a perfect antioxidant-rich boost. Inspired by Chyawanprash, an ancient and beloved herbal formula known for its protective health benefits, this lip-smacking smoothness is brimming with powerful ingredients!
Plain unsweetened plant yogurt with a good shake of herbs and spices, a little splash of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar are all you need for this easy creamy condiment.
In addition to a host of rich nutrients, red beets add such gorgeous color to the classic staple, made all the creamier if you with with the Instant Pot.
Any fruit melds beautifully with nutrient-packed chia seeds, and jam is sooo simple to whip up—without all the refined sugars or artificial colors or preservatives, what’s to stop you from trying all your favorites? And, following the same train of thought, the sky’s the limit when it comes to varying with chia gels, too.
Essentially apple cider vinegar infused with powerful, immune-boosting fruits, roots, herbs, and spices, this tangy tonic is just the thing to battle the bugs and put just the right amount of fire in your belly!