Simple date-sweetened granola/trail bars

date-sweetened granola bars.jpg

Surprise! It’s another tasty granola bar recipe barely distinguishable from the one (or four) preceding it. I half jokingly thought recently that it might be a good idea to shoot one granola bar recipe as beautifully as possible and pull from the selection of photos so the same bar can represent each variation. I’m not sure how many poorly photographed, similar-looking—and tasting—granola bar recipes I can post before really pushing the boundaries of ridiculousness. Maybe I’m already there. But this one needs to be posted, if only because it’s so fun to make, wholesome, and adaptable. It’s currently Dave’s favorite fuel for long bike rides, my choice post-long run replenishment, and a winner for Chef F in terms of anytime snacks. Plus, it’s super easy to customize, and a batch goes well beyond a box without unnecessary wasteful packaging.

I’m not going to waffle on much with anecdotes today. There are so many mixed emotions, and little ironies pervading day-to-day life right now. One of the most prevalent juxtapositions for me has been the yearning for contact alongside the need to tune out the noise. For me, that has meant constant ebb and flow and ins and outs when it comes to engaging with social media and screens in general (and ah, the bit of irony that I am expressing that in a blog post is not lost on me). Also, I’ve been turning back to mantras. The simplest have been most effective lately:


-Think and take space before reacting.

-Be who you are.

-Be sensitive to wherever someone else might be coming from.

-Be kind.

Channeling Fred Rogers best I can. What are your go-to phrases and reminders when you could use a lift? I would love to know. Sending love. xo

Date-sweetened oatmeal raisin chip granola bars

  • 3/4 cup Medjool dates, pitted and soaked for ten minutes in warm water

  • 1 cup natural (nuts or nuts and salt only) almond, peanut, or other nut butter

  • 1/2 cup orange juice or almond milk

  • 1 Teaspoon cinnamon

  • 2 Tablespoons psyllium husk powder (optional, but does help with binding—esp good if it’s training fuel; you can also sub in a flax or chia egg for similar results)

  • 2 1/2 Cups oats, whole or quick

  • Optional addends of choice: we like 1/2 Cup raisins and 1/2 Cup vegan dark chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 F. Line an 8X8 baking pan with parchment paper and set aside.

Drain the dates and add to a food processor with nut butter and orange juice or almond milk. Place a towel over the top to catch any spray and blend until achieving a smooth paste.

In a mixing bowl, whisk oats, cinnamon, and psyllium, if using. Add date mixture and stir to combine. Stir in any addends of choice.

Spread mixture in prepared pan. Bake for approximately 10-12 minutes. Allow to cool before cutting into bars. Enjoy!