Valentine Bliss Ball Trio (Chocolate-covered cherry, Chocolate Covered Strawberry, and Red Velvet flavors)
February is here, and we all know what that means. It’s Heart Health Month! Yay! And, it’s Valentine’s Day month! Double yay!
So February isn’t marked by the most riveting festivities—but both of the above are worthy of noting. Certainly no one can scoff at the worthiness of devoting attention to heart health. And while Valentine’s Day opens up a little more room for debate, it’s still nice to share the love, isn’t it? Depending on how you look at it, there could be a case for seeing these two either in alignment or in opposition. I say we go for the complementary pairing.
Valentine’s Day marketing may be overflowing with saccharine messaging and over promotion of artifical colors and excess sugar, but the best sweet expressions are genuine ones—and the best sweet treats are naturally sweetened, too. Perfect for Valentine’s Day, this Bliss Ball trio is a little more decadent than my typical energy balls but still wholesome. I tend to make a batch and a half of the base shared in the recipe below, then divide into portions and mix in the respective addends portioned accordingly. Last, I’ll add a little extra flair. I’ll roll some cacao powder or coconut flakes, but for Valentine’s/Galentine’s/February fun the majority will be dipped in melted dark or vegan white chocolate (such as Enjoy Life morsels) and sprinkled with some crushed freeze-dried strawberries or raspberries. For the chocolate-covered cherry flavor, which tends to be softer than the other two, I’d say dipping is a must for holding shape…and take my word for it, it’s worth it.
I used to be a Valentine’s skeptic, until I became a mom. It was just toooo much. Too cheesy, too obligatory, too capable of messing with one’s head. To my regret later, I even detrained my loving husband out of giving me flowers for many years. When I finally did acknowledge that I would enjoy flowers again after all, it was from a practical standpoint; they made beautiful backdrops for food photography.
When Felix came on the scene, though, everything he loved, we loved. Balloons! Yes, more balloons! Lego! Lego Masters became our favorite show! And when he loved Valentines, WE loved Valentines.
Now that we’re barreling toward Middle School, the sheer, beaming delight we used to share throughout the days is more muted and cool, but there’s still a quiet glow. And you can bet I’m going to make the most of that while it lasts, too.
Since F was small, he’s been a kitchen helper, one who increasingly has unique ideas and opinions. No doubt his involvement has played a big role in his sensitive and fairly adventurous palate. Despite enjoying the typical kid snacks stacked on store shelves when he gets them, he truly loves the wholesome and homemade best. These treats, though, have been kid-tested by many—with approval that makes my heart sing to no end! In short, these beautiful no-bake bites really are blissful. Customize to taste, have fun, and enjoy the wholesome love! xo
Love your heart!
Valentine Bliss Balls (Chocolate-covered cherry, chocolate-covered strawberry, and red velevet flavors)

- 1 cup pitted, plump Medjool dates (soak)
- ⅓ Cup almond flour
- 1 Teaspoon vanilla
- ¼ Cup oats
- ½ Teaspoon Ashwagandha or Shatavari, optional
- Optional for dipping/rolling at the end: melted dark chocolate, vegan white chocolate, coconut flakes, caco powder, crushed freeze-dried fruits
- For chocolate covered strawberry: Add ⅓ Cup freeze-dried strawberries, 1 Tablespoon cocoa powder, optional
- For red velvet: Add ¼ Cup beetroot powder, ¼ Cup cacao powder
- For chocolate covered cherry: Add ⅓ Cup pitted cherries, fresh or frozen, 3 Tablespoon cacao powder, ¼ Tablespoon coconut flour (or increase oats/almond flour a fraction)
- Soak dates in warm water for ten minutes (optional if they are already soft and plump).
- Drain dates, and place in a food processor with all remaining ingredients except for toppings for rolling. Pulse to combine, adding a little water if needed until forming a sticky dough. Pause to scrape down the sides as needed. The dates should start to pull the mixture into a ball. If the dough feels too sticky, you can add a little almond flour or refrigerate for 5 minutes to set.
- Roll into balls of approximately 1 Tablespoon each. Coat in toppings as desired. Store in a sealed container in the fridge for up to ten days, or freeze up to one month.