Rose (or any) Tea Latte with Date Caramel

Happy Friday, friends! Will you stretch the weekend by slowing down the pace? Or by packing it in with everything possible? It’s always the dilemma, isn’t it? With simple “recipes”/methods like these, it’s easier to feel like you’ve accomplished both.

Although many of the recipes here could well be “recipes” insofar as they’re fairly lax and anything goes, normally I wouldn’t post something so straightforward and simple as this tea latte. Today I can’t resist, though. First of all, it’s just so pretty. More imporantly, it’s just so niiiiiice. And sometimes we just need the reminder to pause.

An energizing lift, a fragrant breath of calm, and a gooey touch of indulgence–this Tulsi Sweet Rose Tea latte hits all the right notes. You can play with all your favorite black teas, and earthy herbal teas, too. But ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Sweet Rose Assam Black Tea will elevate your morning rituals with its harmonious blend of sweet aroma, deep warming flavor, and robust herbal benefits. In this unique blend, floral essence and potent Tulsi meet with the most enticing playfulness. Add a decadent splash of caramel, and the result is pure enchantment.

Lately I’ve been especially reliant on tea breaks like these. Consciously reliant, actually. I keep thinking about the way Keanu Reeves was quoted in an article I read awhile back—I can’t tell you the name of the article or even the title (I think it was in Rolling Stone). I can’t even tell you the specific quote, but the essence of it really struck me—and not just because it was Keanu Reeves. ;) He described life as like a roll of tape; when you’re young, it seems endless and you can flow languidly through it. As the years pass, the tape shortens, and the nearer you get to the end, the faster it spins.

A little bleak, I know. Unless like my husband you can’t help but hear the thought Bill and Ted style, and then you might laugh a little reflexively. But sometimes you read, hear, or think things at just the right time, and it stuck with me, in a positive way. I keep recalling the idea of that tape, and I realize again and again that time isn’t going to slow down for me. Sure, I can get injured, sick, laid up, hit by life in all the ways…but time is going to keep ticking along with and eventually without me. It’s my responsibility to slow down to make the most of it, even if that just means a few moments of breathing in a fragrant mug of tea.

A lovely tea latte needs no enhancement, but a simple Medjool date caramel adds a next level, heady indulgence without compromising on wholesome purity. All you need for this gooey, delectable caramel is soaked Medjool dates and unsweetened plant milk of your choice. In order to be gentle with your blender, the recipe will make more than you need but keeps well for a week, so enjoy it over oatmeal, in smoothies, with apple slices, or in Tulsi Sweet Rose Tea Lattes for days.  Have a beautiful weekend! xo


Breathe in the cozy floral fragrance!

Tulsi Sweet Rose Black Tea Latte with Caramel
1 serving

1 ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Sweet Rose Black Tea bag (use 2 for extra strength and fragrance)
½ Cup boiled water
½ to ¾ Cup unsweetened plant milk of choice
1-2 Tablespoons easy date caramel (recipe below), more to taste

Steep Tulsi Sweet Rose Tea Bag for several minutes (5 to 10 is optimal).
While the tea is steeping, add milk to a small saucepan and heat until small bubbles begin to form. Use a whisk or hand frother to foam the milk evenly.
Spoon some date caramel into the bottom of your serving mug and scrape up the sides. Pour the tea over the caramel, and the milk over the tea. If desired, drizzle a little extra caramel over the top. Enjoy!

2-Ingredient Date Caramel
Yield: approximately 1 cup

16 Medjool dates, soaked 10 minutes or more
1 Cup unsweetened plant milk of choice (we love both oat and almond in this one!)

Add drained, soaked dates after (it’s just fine to keep in a little bit of the soaking water) and plant milk to a high speed blender. Blend until smooth, with no date chunks visible (it may take 1 or 2 minutes).  Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.