Quick post: Pick a Plate!

It's only been a week, and I am already feeling my newly budding photography skills floundering. I do, however, have some pretty fun media to work with right now, the kind that keeps a person from from frowning too long: I need to play with my food. Have to. Really. Melissa, Elsi and I are writing a book called Plot to Plate: Grow, Cook, Create. It'll be a long time coming yet, and so I'll withhold further details for now, but we do have an interested agent lined up, and are working on marketing points, a prototype, business cards for the book, a web page, and the like. And I could really use your help.

It's super simple, and (almost) guaranteed to lighten your mood. Just check out my smiling plates and their subtle differences, and let me know which is most ready to represent in public. He may have a short career, but it's a stepping stone.

Here's number 1:

Slight tweak for number 2:

# 3 has a bit more mischief about him?


Not sure if it's just me, or is #4 a little brighter,  more thoughtful?




That's all for now! Thanks for your help! : )